Manila Candle's newest scent - luxury edition and exclusive! This scent will totally bring memories of the Philippines. Our goal is to bring back your memories during your time in the Philippines whether taking a vacation or growing up in the Philippines.  From the beach to a fancy restaurant, we captured the smell that will take you definitely take you back.

Tuyo Scented Candle 

Tuyo has a scent of the ocean. This wonderful scent will bring memory of your parents bringing you to the beach. A memory you don't want to forget. Its ocean-y scent will take you deep down the ocean where its majestic view matches the scent. A scent to remember!


Patis Scented Candle

Do you remember the first time when your parents took you out to eat at a fancy restaurant? This scent will reminisce the past. A happy memory that you won't forget. 

Bagoong Scented Candle

Bagoong scented candle is an exclusive scent from Manila Candle. An exotic ocean smell that will take you back to your childhood. A scent you won't forget!


April Fools! Have a great day!

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