Exclusive Scented Candle | Luxury Edition | Limited Time
Manila Candle's newest scent - luxury edition and exclusive! This scent will totally bring memories of the Philippines. Our goal is to bring back your memories during your time in the Philippines whether taking a vacation or growing up in the Philippines. From the beach to a fancy restaurant, we captured the smell that will take you definitely take you back.
Tuyo has a scent of the ocean. This wonderful scent will bring memory of your parents bringing you to the beach. A memory you don't want to forget. Its ocean-y scent will take you deep down the ocean where its majestic view matches the scent. A scent to remember!
Do you remember the first time when your parents took you out to eat at a fancy restaurant? This scent will reminisce the past. A happy memory that you won't forget.
Bagoong scented candle is an exclusive scent from Manila Candle. An exotic ocean smell that will take you back to your childhood. A scent you won't forget!
April Fools! Have a great day!